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be me.
reading lemmy
see yet again that YouTube is blocking ads
see the entitlement in the comments that seem to think YouTube should be both free of ads and free to use and that Google should subsidize it for some reason
post my copy-paste comment reiterating that YouTube is a business and not a charity
see comments from idiots that attack the commenter instead of actually trying to argue against the point or come up with any sane solution or any attempt to advance the conversation
realise people just want the labour of others for free
See you again next week, fren.
I’m willing to engage this discussion with you :).
I don’t believe i’m entitled to any labor for free, but i do oppose the mechanic of huge corporations starting with good & free services, and when they then become a monopoly, suddenly i’m “entitled and want labor for free and an idiot” when i don’t agree with all the enshittification, money grabbing, privacy violations, and everything else they think they can get away with.
If you start a service with a certain premise (it being free, little ads, …), and then once you’re a monopoly and want some extra money start changing all that, while making sure any competition has as little chance as possible to challenge you… yeah, good luck with that XD.
And i’ll make a predition, give it 5 years at most before game passes go through this phase. Currently all the gamers are “wow, these are such good value”, once it gives the publishers enough of an excuse to stop allowing you to buy them, watch the same fragmentation & raised prices, enshittification, possibly even advertising getting added to it once you’re stuck using such a system.
I don’t believe i’m “entitled”, but i won’t support such tactics & monopoly abuse. They came to power by pretending to be a free site to share videos on, and they’ll die that way as far as i’m concerned. Good riddance.
Thank you for calling this aspect out. I’m surprised so many people are overlooking it. I protest YouTube for the same reasons, but I’ve got one more to add.
When they merged Google Music into YouTube, the service became worse. I’d often have music streaming throughout the day over my speakers, but that broke after the merge.
Anytime I watched a video on my phone that had Content ID-recognized music in it (even in the background), they would cut the stream to my speakers because I am only allowed one stream with any music in it at all.
This isn’t the behavior when you use the ad supported service. Only the paid.
Not to mention all the proper features of Google Music that didn’t carry forward.
It’s mostly that the multi billion dollar profit organisation didn’t need to do this. Where does that money go? Even though it’s over the back of the labour and time of both the content creators and people watching.
Google is doing 60 billion dollar profit fine. Thanks. And not paying proper tax either, lol. It’s pure extraction of labour value.
Get mad at that.
be me.
reading lemmy
see yet again that YouTube is blocking ads
see your gross mischaracterization in the comments that implies everyone is entitled in defense of a corporation that uses opaque terms of service, legal loopholes, brute force spending, their veritable monopoly on the browser and ad markets and absolute monopoly on search engines, and straight up lying to the public in order to vacuum up every last drop of our data as they worsen the service they give us without any way of paying for it or supporting it other than the aforementioned vacuuming
watch you ignore that they take said data and weaponize it against us and anyone who happens to be in front of our camera or within earshot of our mic and alter our searches in the background to favor certain brands and products as they drive us away from sites and resources we want via the enshittification of their proprietary search engine. Also see you fail to recognize the regulatory capture they’ve engaged in to insure no one can do to them what they’ve done to others for decades
read your copy-paste comment reiterating that YouTube is a business and not a charity while ignoring that there are dozens of other ways to make money and that Alphabet/Google already has more money than god and could maybe afford to back off a bit but won’t ever do it because god forbid they make one cent less than humanly possible, all while ignoring that over 25% of americans now run an adblocker for maybe a good reason, constituting the largest consumer boycott in the world, which maybe should be addressed at a fundamental level but no that’s dumb let’s just keep making things worse and playing cat and mouse and blaming users for operating within the boundaries of the law just like google allegedly does
see the part of the comment that swings at strawmen instead of actually trying to have a real discussion or come up with any sane solution or any attempt to advance the conversation
realize some people lack any imagination and are willing to just accept things as they are because “that’s the way it is” in defense of an international, multi-billion dollar company that sees them as nothing more than a product to sell and is always testing to see what the floor is when it comes to the quality they’ll tolerate