Agree overall, but I still downvoted because of the statement “veganism is a religion”.
You either don’t know what veganism is or what religion is.
As a meat eater, I applaud anyone that follows or wants to move towards a (more) vegan diet.
Is it not though? Vegans act like it’s their religion, it fulfills similar social needs, they behave in the same wau as religious zealots. They exhibit the same assumption that their belief is the one true belief, and anyone that does not come to their belief is flawed.
Seems pretty similar to me
This is just zealots like any belief. It is not all vegans. I have been vegetairian for 30 years amd vegan for about 3, other than responding to you I never “promote” my life choice to anyone or try to convert anyone. It only comes up if a coworker say he lets grab dinner and I order a tofu curry while they have a steak. I even worked at a place for over 5 years before finding out a fellow employee was vegan. It just never comes up.
My cousin is like that. I enjoy trolling online vegans because they tend to be the zealots, but I don’t actually have anything against the “ism” itself. Different strokes, and all that.
My cousin gets a big old pot of vegan chili when he’s in town because he likes it, and I like making it for him. We poke fun at each other over bowls of the stuff.