You know what’s crazy? The original Modern Warfare 3 from 2009 is still $40 on steam. Black Ops 2 from 2012 is $60.
COD pricing is insane. For comparison the Halo MCC which includes six games, two of which are remastered, is $40.
I think CoD pricing is affected by the fact that usually, it’s mum that’s paying for it
They are smoking unfiltered crack at activision-blizzard. Just don’t play them. Or pirate. Not like they are a very wonderful company to their own employees.
In fact, it’s actually better to pirate them and use Plutonium for Multiplayer. This is due to the fact that many pre-Infinite Warfare Call of Duty titles have unpatched RCE vulnerabilities that Activision never bothered to fix, but have been in Plutonium.