From now on, every annoying ad will be a little respite for your eyes and mind.
What do you do when you are sitting in the waiting room to see your doctor and they insist on playing commercial radio?
From now on, every annoying ad will be a little respite for your eyes and mind.
What do you do when you are sitting in the waiting room to see your doctor and they insist on playing commercial radio?
What is a Life Pro Tip?
A Life Pro Tip (or an LPT) is a specific action with definitive results that improves life for you and those around you in a specific and significant way.
Keep in mind that an aphorism is not a LPT.
An aphorism is a a short clever saying that is intended to express a general truth or a concise statement of a principle.
Examples of aphorisms:
“A barking dog never bites.”
“No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible.”
“All stones are broken stones.”
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