20 points
q1 and q2 can be negative. The force is the same as if they were positive because -1 x -1 = 1
4 points
In this case yes, but if q1 was -20μC, q2 was 30μC, and r was 0.5m, then using -20μC as it is would make F equal to -21.6N which is just 21.6N of attraction force between the two charges.
5 points
If they are oppositely charged particles, I would expect that there is a force of attraction acting on them, yes.
I am not saying that’s wrong, just that there’s 21.6N of attraction force between the two charges not -21.6N.
0 points
But that if both are negative not one pos one neg like the previous commenter gave in their examples, so the true formula has an absolute value in the numerator: |q1Xq2|
1 point