Tell me you’ve never lived in a rural area without telling me you never lived in a rural area. Don’t get me wrong, I’m incredibly confused and usually revolted by trump supporters, but the rampant intolerance of rural people is also revolting.
If Trump’s rural supporters want to be tolerated they’re the ones that gotta put the effort in to be tolerable.
You don’t see the rest of us dragging the entire country down to cling to child beauty pageants child marriage and child massacres.
You’re tying a group that’s not a monolith with another group that’s not a monolith and making a number of assumptions in both cases. Not only are a lot of rural people left wing and not at all racist. But I’ve yet to meet a single rural person that married their cousin, but I have met a city person that has.
Alternatively, the other week I was riding a taxi with this black guy who was as left wing as they come, had very progressive ideas, and was Trump’s biggest fan, he was absolutely obsessed with Trump. He thinks there is some big conspiracy that makes all other politicians evil and Trump is going to save us.
When you make basic generalizations about groups of people you increase divisiveness and make the problem worse. Rural people know city liberals look down on them, and that pushes the divide further and further. I grew up in a heavily liberal rural area that is becoming more and more right wing, and people exactly like you are responsible. People like you made that happen. Be better.
Nah brah, it’s on ACAB mode at this point, either you are a bastard, or you’ve been successfully intimidated into not openly being anything but a bastard. It’s not the fault of the disgusted that rural communities are behaving disgustingly.
Liberals and leftists don’t owe rural right wingers anything but contempt for literally being 99% of why we are stuck where we are as a country via the Senate and EC, and the escape hatch is always open for any self proclaimed liberals and leftists stuck in rural right wing communities to flee to where they’ll be safe, that is, if they actually care about being a liberal or a leftist more than they care about “I can’t stand the cities!” their entire personality. Because seriously, it’s always “but muh fresh air” to explain why they don’t leave after the third swastika was found on a local Jewish grave stone.
These communities literally rob cities of their autonomy out of nothing but spite and weird suburbanite colonization making cities unsafe for city residents in the name of being able to force them to accomodate their “not compensating for anything” loser trucks, but heaven forbid the cities gasp be less than gracious to the fuckers about it.
And BTW, this is all from a man who’s lived in cow country since he was six. The call is coming from inside the house, but apparently everyone who’s disgusted with rural backwardness must just be some city slicker liberal looking down on perfectly normal acceptable behavior and culture!