Those people have such a lust for violence and don’t care that the poor people they claim to be fighting for will be the ones who suffer most
But when I think about it, those poor people are absolutely fucked right now. By achieving small victories like these they get nothing. We have luxurious lifestyles, while the poorest don’t even eat.
Fuck capitalism. House and feed everyone first, then play pretend with numbers.
Fuck capitalism, I agree. But I don’t see where a county with any other economic system was ever chomping at the bit to sacrifice to feed the poorest in the world either.
Be angry, but realistic. Don’t fetishize revolutions. Revolutions generally kill quite a lot of people, the vast majority of whom are not members of the ruling class
Ok, so can we agree to do those things without killing anyone who disagrees and then spending a few decades “protecting the revolution” with a “dictatorship of the whatever?”
Subjugating people is a terrible way to liberate them. Full stop. If you want socialism, then the only viable and sustainable path is convincing people to vote for socialism. Which is why tankie extremists are socialism’s worst enemy.