I heard it’s intentional, so that you’re exposed to different products once in a while
I stopped going for a while to one because they put the multipack crisps on the other side of the store to the larger bags though as I thought they’d just stopped stocking them
It’s all well and good rotating things around but don’t put stuff in nonsensical places
Why does everyone in marketing think that’s how my brain works? I have NEVER bought anything because of an ad or being “exposed” to it. I know exactly what I want every time I shop and I WILL tell an employee to fuck off if they approach me with the old “can I help you find anything?”. Pushing something into my face only ensures that I will NEVER even think about purchasing the product.
Might be the slight autism though. Maybe other people don’t work this way I don’t know.
There are times where there’s something I want, but won’t get it unless it happens to be convenient while getting things I need. Like ice cream; on my way out I’m going through exactly 1 frozen food aisle and if there’s something else I want to check that’s not in the ice cream aisle, then I just don’t get ice cream (and if I do go through that aisle and I’m still unlikely to get it unless its on sale). The exposure only matters because being exposed to it means its convenient, not that I suddenly want something I hadn’t considered.
It doesn’t matter to them if that’s how your brain, personally, works. They’re playing the percentages. It’s how -most people’s- brains work. And they’re not operating on a one-visit basis.
I like to think that I’m pretty aware of this kind of thing, but I’m also fairly sure I’ve walked past a product on my odyssey to acquire milk or bread and thought “oh hey I should try that…” then picked it up at a later date. If you asked me why I did that at the time I’m not sure I could have given you a straight answer.
Sure, it’s annoying for you. It’s annoying for me, too, because it fucking works on me.
Not being swayed by ads and getting annoyed by overzealous retail employees makes me an asshole?
That paper employees have is called a planogram. Some group in the corporate office creates them and sends them to the stores. They are supposed to match the type and size of shelving you have in a specific location. This only happens some of the time, the rest of the time, the manager gets upset you changed the planogram, even though it doesn’t match what you have.