I’m using my mp3 player to listen to albums. I’ve been using this site to download my music but it has no track number data. So I have to write that myslef manually. If there’s a a program that can download albums for my that’ll be great. Ideally I’d want it to do mp3’s at 320kbps.
Thanks for all the help!
a ladder!
1 you can buy shit or steal in a shop which sucks
2 you could search for song on youtube,deezer,spotify and record it yourself
3 install nuclear(osx,win,lin -> https://github.com/nukeop/) or ViMusic(android > https://f-droid.org/de/packages/it.vfsfitvnm.vimusic/) and just search and download everything from there
4 you can try any xdcc indexer and grab from irc
…for the lazy I stick with 3 …it has just become too convenient.