As an American this is how I interpret Celsius
- 100 is boiling
- 50 is you’re gonna die from heat exhaustion eventually
- 40 is hot
- 30 is a little warm
- 20 is a little cool
- 10 is cold
- 0 is freezing
I regularly convert between the two just by remembering the conversions for 10, 20, 30, and 40. It’s actually pretty easy.
- 0C is 32F (of course)
- 10C is 50F
- 20C is 68F (a cool room temp)
- 30C is 86F (reciprocal of 20)
- 40C is 104F
If you ever forget what one of them is, then just add 18F for every 10C from the last one you remember.
10 mm = 1cm, 100 cm = 1m, 1000 mm = 1m, 1000m = 1 km.
1 cm3 water = 1 gram
1 Watt heats 1 gram of water 1 C°
1 dm3 water = liter = 1 kg
1 m3 = 1000 kg = 1 tonne
1 mile = ?? yards = ?? feet = ?? inches
1 ton = ?? stone = ??punds = ?? oz = ?? grain
1 Galon = ?? pints = ?? fluid ounce
1 inch3 = ?? grain = ?? power to heat ?? fahrenheit
There is no system to any of these, they are unscientific and impractical.
How does Imperial still have any relevance as a measurement system?
That’s exactly how I’ve memorised imperial as well. We must have used the same manual.
Yes, you could say Imperial is easier, because you’d never calculate anything in your head, you ask Google.
But how did that even work before we had Internet?
30 is hot.
20 is nice.
10 is cool.
0 is ice.
40 and 50 can just not, please.