I watched it and it honestly is pretty cool, kinda catchy and funny and reminiscent of some steam orange box edit from 15 years ago
The youtube comments are full of ~20 year olds complaining about it though (probably mostly ironically but still)
Always thought this was a goofy ass compulsion, just let the kids enjoy things?
They’re right in that the things kids enjoy usually do suck, but wrong in thinking that doesn’t apply to the stuff they liked when they were kids
I still like the flash animation “MY ANUS IS BLEEDING”, even though I absolutely know that if I first see it today, I’d be averse and annoyed at hearing the line.
Isn’t that from the weird art-film about an animator whose life slowly crumbles around him as he fails to land new gigs? I think it’s still pretty good. asdf movie however… I will not rewatch that