You apparently believe that the enlightened EU apportions votes by equal proportionality based on population of member nations, but that isn’t true. Germany, with over 84x the population of Luxembourg does not get 84x the number of MEPs. Luxembourg’s population get 8x the MEP representation of Germany’s. It is a degressive proportion system just like the Electoral College, for exactly the reasons I stated.
Point two is literally just you saying you don’t like the way it works and trying to discredit it by calling it archaic, as if the concept of direct democracy isn’t just as old as representational republics. No one is arguing that it doesn’t create swing states and tilt the balance back towards the mid and small sized states, because that’s what it was designed to do: make it so the smaller states must be included.
Really not sure what your last paragraph is about as it’s not very clear, but within a state everything is direct democracy. This means that the large population centers do run the states like you want, which results in situations like parts of California trying to split off because they have no representation. Unless it violates the constitution or other applicable federal law, states get to set their own rules and laws.
If each state was as dominated by large population centers as you think the country as a whole would be muuuuuch farther to the left, except it isn’t because those little mini republics decided voting and human rights are also a states rights issue.
Also, those parts of California do have representation, just representation equal to their true size within the state, you know, power representative of their share of the population, and all those “small states” know it to, which is why state republican parties are now petitioning to make this country even less democratic by instituting state level electoral colleges
You fucking know it’s just a power fix, “states rights” is just a dogwhistle for pulling the democratic rug before the browns and queers get too many rights.
Once again, state politics are direct democracy. You don’t go vote for your Governor and Representatives and your federal House and Senate candidates, and then have your county or district results generate an elector to vote on your behalf. There are no mini republics. Those states are operating as you are arguing for the federal level to operate, while complaining about their results and believing you can erase those results by removing the last vestiges of states rights. Throwing the baby out with the bath water, because there are no legitimate states rights issues, only bigoted ones. Your dismissal of any concerns from the rural and agricultural regions of California out of hand as there aren’t enough of them to matter, and the later implication that they are just bigots anyway so should be ignored is pretty clear.
Your entire argument is that you don’t like how conservative rural states are, because you are apparently better than them and want to rewrite the rules to finish writing them off. Not everything you disagree with is a dog whistle, Wyoming doesn’t want to retain its 3 electoral college votes to disenfranchise brown people, and everything isn’t a conspiracy of white supremacy. You seem to just want to handwave all state level rights conversations away as bigotry, and I guess you just keep on doing you. I don’t expect this conversation to actually go anywhere from:
You fucking know it’s just a power fix, “states rights” is just a dogwhistle for pulling the democratic rug before the browns and queers get too many rights.