Hi! I’m looking for a good cloud storage provider for my backups. I will encrypt them locally and rclone them, so integration is important. I’ve been looking through reddit, and every single provider has something behind their ears (closes accounts, scans files, sketchy, blah blah blah), so I’m having a bit of an analysis paralysis.
Free tier would be ideal. I don’t need a lot of space, just a few GBs. Thanks :)
As I remember storj is decentralized, right?
What about cost, like for 500gb, 1tb?
Thank you
That’s about $2/TB cheaper than Backblaze B2. Nice.
Looks like they make it up on egress costs, which aren’t even bad at all for my use-case (4TB total currently).
For those wondering, it’s www.storj.io
Now I can’t choose When I started using b2 it was a really good option But now I’m reading and can’t decide between storj and hetzner with their $4 for tb with free traffic