A lot of people have to die for the world to sort itself out. I see it starting now, soon there will be wars on every continent.
Why? By all measures the world is better decade after decade.
Poverty is down, famine is down, average life expectancy is up. NATO and MAD are doing their job and no world War 3 has broken out, and given how support of NATO is enough to make Russia unable to conquer Ukraine, so they certainly aren’t a global threat.
We have the technology to fix any problem we currently have, and past trends say we will do it, just takes some time.
But why? Nothing is crazier than what we’ve dealt with. Technology has proven able to beat basically all the old horsemen of the apocalypse except war, and Russia being stuck just to the edges of Ukraine seems to show that world War 3 isn’t around the corner.
Something bad is always happening, but less of it is happening now than ever thanks to good people doing good work.
It’s not population that’s the problem, Thanos, it’s distribution of resources.