Can’t help but feel like this was written and upvoted by people sitting comfortably on the peak of the Dunning-Kruger curve.
I fully expect this comment to be downvoted, but that doesn’t make it less true.
Not knowing the difference between a business major and an MBA illustrated my point perfectly. Nice job!
There it is, the seethe! MBA is by far the most common business degree. Try again 😜
I mean, even assuming that business degrees aren’t a waste of money and time, learning things you would pick up working in the corporate world anyway, while not learning any creative or practical skills…
Humanities still make better general-purpose degrees because they actually teach you things like critical thinking, questioning your sources and their biases, self-examination, etc. Things that society needs now more than ever. From my experience of friends with philosophy degrees, the world would be a vastly better place if even 1 in 20 people had one.
Spot on.
Besides, business schools are also for students to make contacts and connections with people in the industry and their peers.