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3 points

The necromancer one is so intriguing I love it

2 points

Mechanically it’s a nightmare though. Anything that breaks concentration or spell casting kills you. You do get undead immunities but they only help so much.

2 points

If we’re getting into the nitty gritty of the 5e game mechanics, there’s a wider issue in that the RAW rules don’t actually allow you to “raise yourself from the dead”

  • Glyph of Warding (Spell Glyph) requires the stored spell to target “a creature or an area” and “dead body” is neither, it’s an object.
  • Contingency requires the stored spell to have a casting time of 1 action.

You could probably arrange something like this with wish or stuff that’s outside of RAW, but at the point that you’re using “rule of cool” you can basically make anything workable and it’s all GM fiat anyway. (This is fine, but if your table plays like this, then you’re probably not overly concerned with mechanics.)

However… with regards to the point here: Spells in 5e that create undead (such as animate dead) don’t usually require concentration - so “I lost concentration” would kind of be fine - you just need to ensure you have the slot each morning to “maintain” the enchantment, (but this is when slots regenerate, so long as you rest you’ll be okay)

The bigger problem would be anti-magic fields or dispel magic.

1 point

The RAW rules actually allow you a myriad of ways to “raise yourself from the dead”.

  • Clone is tailor made to raise yourself from the dead.
  • An Arcana Cleric can cast contingency with revivify as the contingent spell. (There’s other ways to do this but they’re either more complicated or setting specific.)
  • A wizard can can cast contingency with danse macabre as the contingent spell. (This’ll have a very limited duration.)
  • Magic jar can let you possess another creature to animate your own body if something happens to it while you’re “away”.
  • If you’re a humanoid, hitting yourself with a finger of death just before you’re about die can let you rise as a zombie permanently under your own control at the start of your next turn.
  • Make a simulacrum of yourself to raise the original you at your leisure.
  • Summon a planar ally to raise you if you die within an agreed upon time frame. (Probably requires bribery.)

The whole concept of liches is basically raising yourself from the dead.

Also of note; Most reanimation spells (animate dead, create undead, raise dead, etc…) are instantaneous and can’t be ended by an antimagic field or dispel magic. (The same can’t always be said for a creator’s control. The creature(s) these spells create usually don’t die/cease to be animated when the creator’s control ends either though.)

I imagine the contingency + danse macabre version, or a variant of this, is what /u/Ghost33313@kbin.social what thinking of, since it would break with loss of concentration.

1 point

Just take reborn as your race and live your dreams




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