Afaik for storage it’s exactly what it says on the tin: a 1GB drive is exactly 1,000,000,000 Bytes. Then you put it in the computer and Windows, who thinks that 1GB = 1,073,741,824 Bytes says, well that’s a 0.93 GB drive, aka 930MB. So you start asking yourself where those 70MB went, while in reality windows is telling you that the drive is 930MiB, which is equal to 1GB.
As for networking, last I checked we use Megabits and Gigabits for that, which are a whole different can of worms and use a small b instead of a big B. 8 Mb = 1 MB
I’ve never seen anyone use Mebibit, if it exists, which I’m not sure it does.
And as for benefit, I’m not sure whose benefit it is to create this confusion. In my opinion, no one’s, as the drive makers get accused of false marketing while at the same time Windows gets accused of being a broken OS (fair)
Afaik for storage it’s exactly what it says on the tin
Right… the problem is the discrepancy from RAM and CPU where GB is 1024. There’s a disjoint between hardware where most hardware is base 2… then some other parts just aren’t. That’s my point. HDD/SSD manufacturers benefit from not getting onboard since they’re able to offer less and still be “technically” correct.
I’ve never seen anyone use Mebibit, if it exists, which I’m not sure it does.
It does exist, but it’s so fucking dumb to say (I always feel like I’m stuttering when I say the words) People probably just do everything they can to skip saying the words outright.