You’re the ones hurting innocent animals almost entirely for pleasure or convenience. Someone innocent getting hurt completely unnecessarily is good reason to cause a ruckus
Listen. If you personally are against eating meat and choose not to, great, I’m happy for you. But going and giving other people shit for their own dietary choices is as bad and obnoxious as telling people they shouldn’t have abortions. Shut the fuck up and let people live, you’re only making people hate you.
When an innocent victim is being harmed, silence is siding with the oppressor
Seems counterproductive, because you’re never going to change anyone’s mind by being an insufferable twat. Enjoy being hated.
You do realize stopping the meat industry altogether implies letting all livestock die, right? Very few people could afford keeping a cow or a pig as a pet and without the financial incentive there, farmers wouldn’t waste their money feeding the livestock. They can no longer survive in the wild.
I’m not in favour of how it works right now either, I’m all for more animal rights and better conditions, but to think we could just stop and everything would be nice is just plain naive.
Ok, so lets stop breeding them first. Stop paying people to force them to get pregnant.
Ideally we’d be able to release them into the wild or have sanctuaries for them, but that’s just not really possible. But if we stopped forcing more of them into existence then the remaining ones would all be killed pretty fast, which is far better than them and their children and their childrens children, and so on for the foreseeable future being killed.
More realistically, if animal liberation is achieved the population of farmed animals will gradually decline as fewer people support animal ag until there are only a few of them left, on sanctuaries or reserves or something, or they go extinct