My friend sent me this, the current state of Reddit. (I left during the app issue and haven’t looked back)
Used to browse Reddit daily. Once Reddit is Fun closed, I only go on to search for an answer.
Now it is Lemmy daily.
I used to check Reddit pretty often, at least once every other day. Now I’ve found I use Lemmy rarely. I use Reddit more often still but that’s just to look up questions or get help with some issue. I mostly just use Discord now, and am only checking here because it’s down.
u/K4sum11 on Reddit if you’re curious
Open Lemmy, nothing new, close Lemmy. Open Lemmy again to check if something new. Nothing new.
Live life, check back in six hours, all new.
Everything top six hours is the best.
Yep, same. Multiple times daily, created posts, commented a lot.
Deleted all my accounts.
The way Spez and the admins treated Apollo’s dev was more than enough for me to leave Reddit, and that’s before the shit he said about the vulnerable users of his site (essentially seeing them as dollar signs - I know CEOs are scummy but holy fuck).
A lot of third party integrations to improve accessibility for visually or physically impaired users were caught up in the restrictions designed to destroy RIF Apollo etc. Spez vaguely said reddit would fix that, but it basically just resulted in improvements to base reddit for those users thrown into the bottom of a low priority dev list never to see the light of day.
I somehow was banned for “hate”. I literally have 0 idea what I could have possibly said. I appealed, of course nobody actually reads those and I am still perma banned. 10 years of history. Oh well. To Lemmy it is.
Oh I remember saying something along the lines of Ron Desantis was a dirty diaper and should be thrown out in the trash on a conservative Reddit.
The mods tried to have me banned over it and said I was harassing them. Unbelievable when all they did was talk smack about everyone. I learned when Reddit suspended my account over mods being butthurt that it was going down the drain.