Within the overall rise, homelessness among individuals rose by nearly 11%, among veterans by 7.4% and among families with children by 15.5%. People who identify as Black make up about 13% of the U.S. population but comprised 37% of all people experiencing homelessness. People who identify as Hispanic or Latino make up about 19% of the population but comprised about 33% of those experiencing homelessness. Also, more than a quarter of the adults experiencing homelessness were over age 54.
And people wonder why people are not or waiting to have kids.
I wonder why the Hispanic population is so disproportionately homeless. Maybe because they’re new to the country and lack a family and friend network?
Yeah wondering how many of those people are legal. If not many, then 100% the case. If Legal could be same reason as Black people?
Well even legal immigrants often lack the same support networks as citizens, since they are new to the country.