The reason the right has been able to push Christo-Nationalism into the highest levels of government is because they started small 50 years ago. You can’t just plop radical in the highest office and expect anything big to change. You need to slowly fill in the lower ranks and brainwash constituents at a local level until the process naturally begins to favor trumpian candidates, at which point a dictator is bound to eventually emerge with the full, unwavering support of a large chunk of the populous. The American left is half a century behind the fascists. It’s not about any one candidate, it’s about altering the political ecosystem to make it more favorable to your ideology.
Your comment addresses nothing I said and actively lowers the quality of conversation in this thread.
You expect progressives to take 50 years what took the corpodems less. I’m not sure what you’re having a hard time following. In any event, centrists sling abuse when they aren’t capable of countering an argument, so I accept your concession. Have a blessed day.