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3 points

It is not clear how much money Lapsus$ has made from its cyber-crimes. No companies publicly admitted paying the hackers and the hackers did not provide the passwords to seized cryptocurrency wallets.

They won’t provide the wallet passwords, that’s the key part.

He will remain at a secure hospital for life unless doctors deem him no longer a danger.

Is this even legal?

Despite having his laptop confiscated, Kurtaj managed to breach Rockstar, the company behind GTA, using an Amazon Firestick, his hotel TV and a mobile phone.

Well, that’s impressive, but I wouldn’t ever hack on closed-sourced stuff through the clearnet, now they have legal proof against them. That stuff logs everything.

Rockstar Games alone told the court that the hack cost it $5m to recover from plus thousands of hours of staff time.

$5m from what? For publishing footage of a video game?




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