Like yeah I don’t, but didn’t he curse a fig tree for not having fruit, while it wasn’t fig season?
Didn’t he get himself executed for like being offended that people were doing business at the temple?
How is that not taking shit personally and arguing with strangers?
You don’t think he’d be like coming in hot on a comment chain?
The cursing of the fig tree has echos in other Jewish literature best example is Moses hitting a rock to get it to send out water.
The temple had to do business. It wasn’t practical for everyone to bring their own animals and the coinage issue wasn’t considered a big deal. If there has been a historical Jesus (again there wasn’t) he most likely started the assault on the temple because he was trying to fulfill the OT prophecy of its destruction. Kinda like when you want sex so you give your partner a back rub.
You got to understand all the accounts of man were written multiple decades later by liars.
Please don’t spread misinformation .
Pft. Guy admits he’s not a biblical scholar then proceeds to have an opinion on the matter. Ridiculous
It’s not a bad thing to ask for clarifying questions… How the flying fuck do you think people learn things from people who are scholars/teachers/experts!? Did you never ask a single question in school or your job(s)?? How the fuck do you learn without questions?
You being upset at this is pathetic.