I’ll be scrolling through lemmy world and occasionally I’ll see comments where a word in them has been replaced with removed. Usually from context it’s early a swear word, normal stuff not slurs.
Is this a lemmy.world censorship thing? A lemmy wide thing? I doubt it has anything to do with my app, unless Jerboa is censoring specific words.
Anyone else experiencing this?
If any evidence was needed that you don’t bother actually reading, saying I’m “simping” for China is right up there after your very obviously not reading the Wikipedia link you tried to use as a weapon. Allow me to quote my “simping” for the members of the audience who can actually read:
… abused workers nationwide having had the fuck enough …
Because calling the protestors inside China “abused” is simping in simpletonspeak apparently.
… this is the part that terrified the government most and drove them to irrational stupidity …
That well-known simping expression: “irrational stupidity”.
… led to the 1989 Beijing massacre …
And here I am denying massacres! What a simping job!
… So on to the actual massacre. …
Denying it TWICE even! Jeeze I fucking simp a lot!
… also got shot with, likely, a few more dozen dead. (Actual numbers are impossible to get and anybody who claims to have them is a fucking liar.) …
MORE denial! My simping knows no bounds!
… But by evening of the 4th the square was empty of all but soldiers and, critically, the massacre had not yet begun. …
“Not yet begun.” The language of denial in action!
The real massacre happened the next night near a bridge at Fuxingmen…
And denial after denial! How could I possibly live with myself!? Do I live in a house without mirrors!?
They were, predictably, gunned down in large numbers. (Realistic numbers say in the high four figures to low five figures.)
MOAR DENIAL!!!111oneoneoneeleventyone!!!
You are a fucking putz with no ability to read. Just thought I’d make that clear.