In a YouTube video, a voice in English announces that China has researched and developed its own ultra-thin 1-nanometer chip – a staggering claim given that the chip isn’t expected in commercial devices for another decade.
“Recent news from China has sent ripples of excitement and astonishment across the globe,” gushes the voice-over on the China Charged YouTube channel. “This revolutionary breakthrough is more than a technological marvel; it is a game-changer that will redefine the global tech landscape.”
“Prepare to have your mind blown,” says another video, this time on the channel Unbelievable Projects. “Welcome to today’s video, in which we’ll discover why America remains behind China in infrastructure development.”
These voices and their “good news” about China are evidence that the Chinese Communist Party and its overseas proxies are using artificial intelligence to flood YouTube with propaganda videos, according to a new report that describes a “coordinated inauthentic influence campaign” on the platform.
I mentioned EVs aren’t the savior that people are pitching because they still require plastics and rare earth metals and often are fueled by electricity made with coal/oil.
They got so fucking mad lol
These are not conservative talking points that’s so disingenuous dude.
EVs require metals that aren’t really too great to mine for our planet, most of the time that mining requires the use of diesel despite what we wanna believe.
I’m all for green energy and better awareness of our species pollution but you’re basically being duped by Elon Musk wannabes promising the future that will turn out just like everything Elon does, absolutely trash and we’re gonna wonder why we wasted time with half of this shit.
The real solution is cars gotta go, public transit needs to be the only transit and parking lots and roads gotta go but the car industry and the infrastructure we invested in is too worth it so we will follow the sunk cost off the cliff and people like you will support it because its slightly better than it used to be even though it is still bad.
Next can you talk about the problem with renewables? Just to come full circle
Nothing is wrong with renewables but you’ve definitely also read about greenwashing right?
It is basically that. For what people are proposing we need to change the entire economic system away from capitalism and this endless green line go up logic. Until then everything will continue to be this way no matter how we dress it.
Yeah, don’t try to make anything better. It’s a waste of time unless you’re trying to overhaul the entire economic system.
What a smooth-brained take.
That’s quite the conclusion jump. You can be critical of EVs from a leftist perspective even if so much EV hate is from conservatives.
EVs are an improvement from petrol powered vehicles but they are not in any way good. There is still plenty of pollution from the construction of the vehicle, the transport of materials, the atomized rubber from the tires, and the pollution from it’s energy source (even if it’s less total greenhouse gas emissions as opposed to a petrol based vehicle). EVs will not save the climate even if every car was replaced.
Here’s more info
And some more
That has more to do with you regurgitating misinformation, than it does with the Chinese.
Those arguments have been debunked ad nauseam.
It literally isn’t misinformation though? EVs are still polluting. There is no world with cars and buildings without pollution my guy especially now where we are at with technology.
Nothing has been debunked?
For the energy source aspect, it’s much more efficient to have a single big place to generate electricity compared to having millions of portable combustion engines running around inside cars. It’s also easier to switch to a cleaner energy if a wind farm or a solar power plant if you’re a state or some entity that’s responsible for energy generation in your region.
TBH my biggest pet peeve on an EV is basically every EV is a privacy sucking machine. They record everything and send everything home. Give me a car like my old car that doesn’t have any telemetry and the technology is simple enough I can even push start the car when the alternator is fully dead.