If you’re so petty about it, use archive.org or archive.is to view the page
Viewing a website doesn’t mean supporting the website. Especially if you use an adblocker.
If you have an adblocker, and you’re not visiting any of those nazi sites directly, but do derail a comment section about a totally unrelated article? I say it is, yeah.
Then again, I can be pretty petty about circlejerks.
If I’m going to travel to a certain city I’m not going to stay in the hotel that’s hosting the Nazi convention. Here you are saying “yeesh it’s not like the convention will be inside your room!” But there are other hotels - simple as that.
You act like a person needs some much better, really, really good reason not to read this article. If the site hosts Nazi content, that’s quite enough for me to just scroll to the next post. Why do any of us need to convince you or anyone else why this small act of conscience is valid?
I wouldn’t really call it a circlejerk to be against people who publish and profit from Nazi material.