Whomever is still claiming that Bernie doesn’t speak truth to power anymore
Who ever claimed that? It’s essentially been the man’s entire career. If he wasn’t publicly speaking up early enough in this case, I’m sure it’s because he was bending ears behind the scenes.
Not arguing with you, just sort of aghast that anyone (magas excepted - but we expect their opinions to be trash) would try to claim he’s not a true servant of the people.
Who ever claimed that?
A SHITLOAD of people.
It’s essentially been the man’s entire career
True. I didn’t say they were right, just that they were saying it.
If he wasn’t publicly speaking up early enough in this case, I’m sure it’s because he was bending ears behind the scenes.
No doubt about it.
Not arguing with you, just sort of aghast that anyone (magas excepted - but we expect their opinions to be trash) would try to claim he’s not a true servant of the people.
Agreed, though I’d add Neoliberals and people who don’t have any ideals of their own but still like discussing politics for the tribalism and the mud slinging. Of course, there’s significant overlap between these groups…