I’m finally watching star trek with my girlfriend and getting her into it. Been watching along with her on TNG. So far we are about done with season 1, but I am big excited to re-watch DS9 se5, especially with her watching it for the first time by my side.
Gonna have to brave the awful ass se1 Sisko haircut though lol.
I’m impressed that you’ve managed to get her to watch s1 of TNG! I’ve been thinking about trying to talk my wife into watching it and was thinking we’d start on season 3.
She has been very persistent about knowing the background for everything. It bothers her to be dropped in the middle of something without the context.
So she wanted to start at the “very beginning”, which in my mind is TNG season 1. The original series is great, but I figured she’d enjoy it more after having already gotten into trek.
She is throughly enjoying the cheesy-ness of it though, which is really good.