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As long as high physical strength is not required, I strongly agree. These days the need for that is becoming less and less unless you want to be a marine.
You’re conflating physical strength with gender, but when it comes to who can do the work, only one of those is relevant.
I think we’re on the same page, I’m just pointing out that the statement “women can do any work a man can, as long as high physical strength is not required” is just as inaccurate as saying “all men can do work that requires high physical strength”. As a man, I’ll be the first to say there are a huge number of women who are more physically capable than me. Turns out, a task that requires high physical strength doesn’t need a man, it needs a person with high physical strength.
I don’t think you were replying to me, but objectively the average man, of similar size, is going to be stronger than me, in the brute force, or explosive force aspect. It’s just an unfortunate fact of human genetics. Men typically have denser bones, ligaments, and tendons, muscle fiber, more muscle mass, and testosterone to help build and maintain all of it. Women are said to be something like 60% as strong as a man on average. HOWEVER, women typically have better stamina, longevity, are better at enduring trauma, etc.
I am by no means frail or weak, and am probably stronger than a lot, but I will never be as strong, or as lean as a man with equal work put toward it.
There is no disagreement that, in the current day and age of the human species, men are biologically predisposed to be more physically capable on average. There is no contention about that.
The point I am making is that two bodies with similar bone density, muscle mass, testosterone, etc. are going to be physically capable of the same thing, regardless of their genders. The gender is a red herring, what matters is the capability of doing the work.
As I told the other commenter,
We have a history of giving jobs to men because we’ve conflated their gender with other capabilities, not because they actually are the most capable. But my point is, we’re smart enough as a species to not do that anymore.
Sure but you are probably aware that all boys being born have higher strength than females, just because of biology. Then of course in life as we grow, some men don’t maintain that strength and lose it. But I think it’s still accurate to think that men in general are stronger than women, even if there are exceptions.
Otherwise we are just ignoring a fact of how our bodies are different.
But due to how natural selection works, that’s a self-fulfilling argument. Men are biologically stronger specifically because people have made the argument you’re making for hundreds of thousands of years, thereby selecting for the pattern you’re claiming exists.
When you’re looking for someone to do a task, you aren’t looking for a biological explanation, you aren’t looking for a man, you’re looking for someone who can do the task.
Gee, Mr. Manager, that’s odd, I lift and carry my husband in and out of his wheelchair everyday because he’s a quad and was a floppy baby who’s never walked, but apparently “all boys being born have higher strength than females just because of biology.”
You’re sure it’s ALL boys? You’re absolutely sure that strength between two individuals is dependent upon their sex? We’re the same age and height. I weigh more because he has no muscles and I do. And yet, SOMEHOW, I’m a woman.
Gee, ladies , why are we NOT surprised at that “boys”/“females” word choice in Mr. Manager’s assertion?
I guess it didn’t take long for the incels to follow the crowd over from Reddit.
Eh, it’s still required to work on cars/engines. Thankfully we work on smaller vehicles (Mazda/Nissan mostly) and not some big ass diesel stuff.
I can “engineer” my way out of most situations, and have been very successful accomplishing things that many men can’t, because they can’t “think outside the box”. What I mean by that is that I have to approach things differently. I have to understand things more completely sometimes, so I can work my way around the lack of brute force, where many men can just push/lift/torque something without thought, and they get complacent. That allows me to see different solutions to things that may stump others.
That said, I have found instances where I am just not physically big, or strong enough to do something, and need help.
I also have the benefit of being much smaller, so I can get into places a lot of men can’t. It has its benefits and drawbacks.
I believe you, and I have many examples from my own life where girls are outsmarting guys because they are forced to use their brains. Guys sometimes doesn’t because we can just use strength instead, like you said.
And being smaller and more agile is a huge plus in most situations as well.
Pretty much agree 100%.
Man I’m so glad that zoomers understand the difference between sex and gender, and are doing away with this, “boys do this, and girls do that!” bullshit.
Like, oh yeah, do you know a lot of girls who are, in your mind, uncharacteristically smart? That right? That’s not condescending in any way.
I think it’s just more accurate to say that “there are things that only certain people with high physical strength can do.” There’s no reason to gender it.
I disagree actually, but no offense to you personally. I think it’s better to be specific and clear and say what we mean. It becomes ridiculous to say “some people” when we mean men most of the time.
Imagine trying to explain to a kid… He asks “are men stronger than females”. You are supposed to say “no, some people are stronger than others” and leave it at that? The poor kid is growing up to be an idiot then, not knowing basic biology. Maybe I’m not understanding you correctly.
Fyi, just because you took a biology course 15 years ago, doesn’t mean you have a firm grasp on the modern understanding of the subject. Sex and gender are two different things.