If you have “Help” instead of “Ins”, replace it with Overgod-tier. Keep pressing it, it will come.
OC, feel free to share.
EDIT; Home is now G-od tier. I didn’t know it would go to the beginning of a line, I always used macros “lol”.
I use all of these except ScrollLock.
What about the CapsLock key? Windows menu key?
Capslock is mandatory. Acronyms, report writing with key words, and programming all make heavy use of fully capitalized words.
Yeah that’s a common one. If you’re into mechanical keyboards, there are a lot of keycap sets that offer an alternative Control key for the CapsLock position.
Personally I rebind it to Super (Winkey). I have a couple of keyboards without Windows keys, so I can still have a Super key and don’t miss out on some handy shortcuts.