If you have “Help” instead of “Ins”, replace it with Overgod-tier. Keep pressing it, it will come.
OC, feel free to share.
EDIT; Home is now G-od tier. I didn’t know it would go to the beginning of a line, I always used macros “lol”.
You never use the home button? Do you also not use the terminal?
I usually just navigate there with cd ~/ but on the other hand I have never even thought about home button. I’ll start using that for now on :D
That’s…not what that does. It moves the cursor to the beginning of the line.
I didn’t say Shift+Home. I’m talking about prepending an extremely long command with “sudo”
That’s wat ctrl+a do, go to front. Ctrl+e is go to end. Use it all the time!
Yeah, how is “end” in god tier and “home” in replace tier? They’re 2 sides of the same coin