Copyright and intellectual property as a whole is actually bad for artists and authors and only serves the interests of large corporations.
While I agree that this is true currently, I do not believe that it necessarily must be. Life plus 70 years is some top-tier bullshit, and no one who isn’t a corporate bigwig will fight you on that. But 20 years from release date is not, especially if enforced equally on all creative works instead of just the ones made by artists who can afford corporate lawyers. Imagine if we had some way to protect against art theft or freebooting besides the honor system. Imagine if OpenAI actually had to pay artists to use their works to train Midjourney instead of just saying “it would be impossible to do this without massive amounts of copyright infringement, therefore you should just let us.”
The idea of coffee copyright is good, but corporate lobbying and the current most-money-wins legal system makes our implementation of copyright harmful. TL;DR: Interface good, implementation bad.
I think even the interface is just intended as a band-aid fix for the current economic system (not gonna say the C word). In a better world art and media would be a public good.
But I do get your point. Could absolutely be improved for the current system.
No copyright need a nearly ideal system, where the people go to the original creator by themselves to get more content.
But in the current reality, without copyright big coperations would just take the stuff of indi creators and get bigger because the masses know them and stay by them.