Well a proper response from the government? Not something that antagonize the population, maybe something more human than using ILLEGAL weapons against your people ? Proprety destruction and looting is what you get when you push your people to the brink.
Look, I understand that the people have a grievance, and there are 101 ways to protest that does not include violence and the destruction of property.
That’s a very loaded question. All of them can work under the right circumstances.
I support violence and destruction, but it needs to be directed at your oppressors, not your neighbors.
Americans didn’t fight off the British with picket signs, they fucking shot them. Then enshrined their rights to own firearms and defend their right to liberty into the constitution as a basic human right.
“The tree of liberty needs to be refreshed from time to time with the blood of tyrants”
Based on research, the most effective are the ones that don’t devolve into riots…
We saw evidence during the BLM protests that violence was being started by police by both beating on peaceful protesters and using agent-provocateurs. The most famous example was the hooded man wearing police issued boots, who wasnt participating in the protest, knocking out the windows of a Target.
My point is that if violence and property destruction discredit a protest for you then the police have already won. They can turn any protest into violence and destruction if not by outright attacking peaceful protests, then by using an agent-provocateur.
We saw evidence during the BLM protests that violence was being started by police by both beating on peaceful protesters and using agent-provocateurs.
Absolutely, and I’m not saying that it’s better/safer to protest against police in the United States.
You need to also keep in mind that the President of the country at the time was a racist and a despicable human being, who would constantly stoke the flames of unrest, and put citizens against the police on several occasions.
I’ll admit that I don’t know as much about Macron than I do Trump, but only because Macron’s decisions don’t directly affect what happens in my country (Canada).
My point is that if violence and property destruction discredit a protest for you then the police have already won.
They don’t discredit the protest, but they make it really hard for me to be on the side of protesters because I don’t believe that destroying private property is effective.
And I hold this belief no matter the cause. I’ve been part of animal rights protests, but completely reject groups who use violence or otherwise break the law to “support our cause”, because it only creates divide.
Haiti won it’s independence from the French when it finally killed all the French people on the island. What did France do? It charged Haitians for the loss of property of French citizens. Which property did the French lose? Their slaves. Literally. So the French put a price on each black person on the island and calculated a debt.
In today’s dollars, that debt was in the billions. That debt still exists today, it is stl generating profit for white Europe. Citi holds the debt and collects the interest.
Sure, it’s possible to protest in a way that makes you comfortable, but white society, and in this case especially French society, has demonstrated that they won’t budge unless you do this. They have zero interest in justice, rule of law, human life, sustainable society. If you ask for liberation they will kill you. If you win your liberation that will punish you and enslave you in different ways. And their allies will support them.