I just did this yesterday! I’ve worked with Linux/Unix for a long time, but I’ve never had a Linux machine at home. We had an ancient cheap chromebook and I turned it into a functional Linux laptop! I used GalliumOS though, which isn’t being actively developed any longer, so I might have to change setups eventually.
In didn’t plan to distro hop on the chrome book, but having something actively maintained that’s a nice’d up Debian would be sweet.
What have you done to me?!?!?
Are these distros good at supporting various old chrome book hardware? Hell maybe even something like Mint would work, but I should probably stick with the lightweight ones.
Mabox has an option at setup for Chromebook keyboards but i find binding from a regular keyboard less of a pain. My one real issue was the sound card, but SOF ( sound open firmware) fixed it immediately.
Mint is basically perfect, i just wish their xfce edition was based on Debian And not ubuntu. Mint + debian = the tops. Another one to consider is Sparky Linux. I heard good stuff about it.