No, that’s where the service provider’s backups are stored. I don’t have the ability to make my own. That’s a huge stretch and very tortured logic. And even if I went for it, by not being able to make backups at my pleasure I’m still being impacted, so… still, by definition, a negative impact on the paying customer that people pirating the same media don’t have. They just Ctrl C Ctrl V that stuff.
Because it shouldn’t be on me to ask for permission to do stuff with my software that I bought.
Maybe I’m too old, because I remember when I bought a disk and I just copied it and used that. Which is legal, by the way.
Well, alright, I don’t need to remember too far back, because I was ripping some movies today. Which, again, fair game. I paid for them, I get to use them. I shouldn’t have to explain to you, Valve, Netflix or anybody else why I want to back up the thing I bought.
Can, but might not. Companies are not notorious for spending effort on products they are abandoning. The only reason they do it with Denuvo is that it charges them a subscription for as long as it’s implemented.