People at Bonn protesting against Nazi cunts singing Ode to Joy
It’s hilarious because the left can’t admit any of their own mistakes. For example, the mass migration into western nations. People said this would cause crime to increase, homelessness, economic turmoil, etc and were simply branded racist for their valid concerns. Now all those things are happening and the left still can’t admit to any of it being true. They just bury their heads in the sand and keep yelling “racist!” and “fascist!” if people don’t want millions of foreigners shipped into their home town and supported by their tax money. Oddly they themselves are the ones promoting racists and fascists if those are the only people who are willing to listen to their legitimate concerns. The left is completely delusional on an individual level and even when you point this out to them, support it with facts, they never admit fault or reconsider their positions. Right now the left media is sensationalizing “fascists” but not covering the crisis caused by their own policies. What do they expect that to result in?
Again, the left brought in tons of “migrants” who wouldn’t even be coming if western nations hadn’t blown up their countries, people said wait a minute, why are we letting people come here from the very countries we are supposedly fighting a “war on terror” against and blowing up all their stuff, won’t they be upset with us, aren’t they incompatible with western values, won’t they compete with us for jobs, won’t we have to spend our taxes supporting them? All of these things and sure enough there are a ton of problems now as a result of the actions of the left and when a political party rises in power to stop them the left starts yelling “facists!” Do they really not understand that people would rather vote for fascists than have their countries destroyed and overrun with people who literally hate them and their way of life?
The left wants people to peacefully accept the destruction of their society. They refuse to look at any of the damage their policies have caused. Honestly my only conclusion is that this is simply the powers that be setting people up to implement fascism.
The most entertaining part is now they’re talking about banning the party that is offering to counter these policies. As if the party came out of a vacuum and simply wants to get rid of all immigrants. The left is incapable of seeing it’s own role in things. Now they want to ban a political party, censor it, spy on it, etc while calling them fascists as they themselves pull out every authoritarian trick in the book crushing the will of the people as they bray about protecting democracy.
See Trudeau violating the constitution, stealing people’s money and locking them out of banking, just because people successfully protested against him and his COVID nonsense. The left IS the fascist authoritarian state they keep claiming people should be scared about if the right wins.