Fifth of men aged 16-29 look favourably on social media influencer Andrew Tate
You’re wrong, not because you’re a millennial but because you are saying wrong shit.
So what’s wrong with what i’m saying? Feminism is stupid? Well, you should read up on the history of feminism and especially the fourth wave, that basically is nothing else but neoliberalism in it’s worst form. Everything before 2010 basically.
I’m not clear on whether you’re saying that all feminism is stupid (obviously wrong), feminism has already accomplished its goal and is no longer necessary (another laughable type of wrong), that modern feminism has some sort of revolutionary obligation with regard to capital (silly as fuck and wrong), or that feminism must stay the same or inherently betray its founding principles (OK, which wave was OK with you? How far back do you think women should go? Wrong, wrong wrong.). Which type of wrong are you?
Neither. I’m saying the actual wave of feminism is not helping the cause, because the issues feminism first set out to combat actually still exist. The issue i have is with overboarding “correctness” and everyone feeling butt hurt when they hear something they don’t like. You don’t agree with my point? Fine, that’s absolutely okay. But verbally lynching me for not agree with my point (even if my point may be factually wrong) is hurting the cause, because it alienates those people even further and basically cements their view of you. But things are not stopping at verbal, because lot’s of “feminists”/“activists” resort to physical stuff…destroying property, destroying lives, etc. Feminists up until the fourth wave protested, they fought rightfully for their rights to be equal and except in some edge cases, they won.