To me it crosses into “so bad its good” territory. It’s like Dr Crusher posted this script to AO3.
And its great meme material. 🕯
My pet theory is that bad episodes are at least two of the following:
This one and the warp 10 lizard sex episode from Voyager are extremely dumb, but I love them because they’re definitely not cheap/low-effort or boring. (But if someone did find it boring I would understand them calling it a bad episode.)
It’s been a while since I’ve seen it, but as I recall while the plot was so-bad-it’s-good, the pacing was a snooze fest.
Archive of Our Own. It’s a massive community of fanfic / fanart. Think about a show, movie, book, video game, or famous play and you can bet they have stories set in it. Also just lots of stories about specific actors, I guess.
Yep I always happily watch this train wreck on a rewatch. The only episodes I actually can’t even watch are the riker clip episode and the one where space Africans board the enterprise to steal a white woman.
The most unsurprising thing about Code of Honor? The director was a fucking racist.
The African theme of the episode was brought in by director Russ Mayberry, who had the Ligonians race cast entirely from African-American actors. Mayberry was fired during production by the show’s creator Gene Roddenberry, and First Assistant Director Les Landau completed the episode. Star Trek novel author Keith DeCandido later recalled that this was because of the casting itself,[5] while cast member Wil Wheaton (Wesley Crusher) thought that it was because Mayberry was racist towards the guest stars after they were cast.[6]
I… kind of like the Riker clip episode. It’s just so weird and pointless.
I absolutely love clips episodes. When watching through old sci fi series that got syndicated, you’re guaranteed to get at least one or two. I’m always psyched up when they come up in a rewatch, it’s one of my favorite meta tropes.
It is just horribly cheesy. How they’re guiding his memories. My favorite part is when that bitch who replaced Beverly for a little while was like WE NEED MORE INTENSE MEMORIES!