I… kind of like the Riker clip episode. It’s just so weird and pointless.
I absolutely love clips episodes. When watching through old sci fi series that got syndicated, you’re guaranteed to get at least one or two. I’m always psyched up when they come up in a rewatch, it’s one of my favorite meta tropes.
The thing is this clip show was because of budget shortages and it came too early in the shows production. So to get enough material for different emotions they had to use some very weird and non-emotional clips imo.
Super early clip shows are some of my favorites, it really hits home how awesomely campy they are. Did you ever see Clerks: The Animated Series? They did a clip show for the second episode ever, it was genius.
Community did the best one when it was actually stuff that you never saw.
The Community clip episode is great, but I think the best one has to be Avatar. The original one, Ember Island Players, not the lame-ass actual clip episode in Korra. An in-world summary of the events thus far as portrayed by actors who don’t have complete knowledge. With in-jokes referencing various aspects of the show’s production, like how Toph was originally meant to be a burly man, and how Aang, as a young boy, would have been voiced by a woman in most cartoons.
It is just horribly cheesy. How they’re guiding his memories. My favorite part is when that bitch who replaced Beverly for a little while was like WE NEED MORE INTENSE MEMORIES!