No one with power gives a shit and congress is just showboating. Maayyyybe they’ll fine him .001% of his worth.
Is a single child’s life worth a billion dollars? What about 10 children? 100?
Not to them. Until business leaders are held accountable for the crimes that are allowed to happen, nothing is going to change. And I doubt that will ever happen. People are far too easy to bribe.
How many deaths would you all be willing to leave unpunished for a million? What about a billion? One, at least. Don’t lie. Think of all the lives you could save with that money. Exactly. Now we’re all accomplices.
I don’t think I’d be willing to overlook the deaths of young people for an amount of money. The reason your comment seems reasonable is because a lot of us need money to survive in this hellscape. People in power don’t need the bribes. Yet they take them anyways.
Make no mistake of how deplorable these people are. They don’t overlook deaths to help people or pay off their car or eat this month. They do it so they can buy stocks that they unfairly trade and then make millions for a third home and sports car. Would the average person do this? No because the average person isn’t insane and doesn’t want to be a politician.
Greed is greed regardless if you have money already or not. And also you’re a lair. You have a price.
Weird assertion to make. I don’t feel that my life would be improved by having unimaginable amounts of money. Would I like enough to comfortably retire? Yep. Would I trade someone’s life to retire right now? No. Other than that I wouldn’t really care to have more money.
This is why rich people are psychopaths. It isn’t normal to put greed over peoples lives. But it’s also what the US mentality encourages which is why you think I’m wrong.