Indifference about genocide is not just unacceptable, it’s evil, you piece of shit.
You are simultaneously denying the Uyghur genocide on another thread, you fucking nasty little hypocrite.
I hate Israel. I hate Palestine. I hate the discourse. I hate fucking EVERYTHING.
Being made to think about war every day for years on end is destroying my mental health. I can’t use a computer, watch TV, or go outside without it shoved down my throat. I can’t even go to sleep without having nightmares about it. I want off this fucking ride. I hate being alive so fucking much.
Well then, log off your main acc and create one locked just to the good feelings parts of lemmy
You do have the option of taking a digital break. You must remember thst everyone has a limit, and once you push them hard enough they tend to push back
That must be nice, not having your life put in danger so you can feel depressed about hearing other people’s life being put in danger. Hope it lasts for you, but predictions for this century say war is going to become pretty rampant globally, so I’d recommend you find a way of coping with it better.
Not like you give a shit at all but hate crimes against my kind have skyrocketed in the past few months and I was assaulted by a stranger in public about two weeks ago so I don’t appreciate the implication that this doesn’t affect me personally
The only escape from something you cannot escape is to embrace it. The thing that degrades mental health is being unwillingly exposed. If the thing cannot be avoided, the only other move is to willingly expose yourself to it.
I’m gonna willingly expose myself to a bullet if I can’t get some rest without nightmares soon
Palestine supporters are fairly unique in the fact that not caring or not having a position is unacceptable to them. You must care, you must share their viewpoint, nothing else is possible.
You didn’t see the same reaction to, for example, Ukraine being invaded. Indifference was acceptable.
You didn’t see the same reaction to, for example, Ukraine being invaded. Indifference was acceptable.
In the example of Ukraine, countries have taken countless measures to pressure Russia. In this case, counties are complicit in the genocide. There’s a difference. People don’t protest when politicians do at least the bare minimum.
I don’t think this is unique at all, it’s the core of all politics both left, right, authoritarian, liberal, etc. No matter what you believe, even if it’s nothing, there are always twice as many people against you than with you. It’s enough to make someone withdraw entirely.