Even though you’re totally wrong with your definitions and facts, I do like your writing and appreciate your poetic license.
This isn’t fascism, this is social conscience.
A lot less severe than what you pretend fascism is.
TBH though I do find the term used to gatekeep far more than I see it used to promote respect. Most cultural arts and traditions formed from bringing a few items/ideas from other cultures back to their own and overtime they incorporated it into their own. Shit like wearing a cultures clothing item that requires significant cultural acts to obtain in said culture when you are not a patt of it, theres nuance and issues of cultural respect to talk about there. But “cultural appropriation” as a term doesnt really get used that often with that level of nuance
“Gatekeep”, “gaslight” they’ve become twitter shit words. Completely poisoned. Just mentionning them cast doubt and suspicion on the speaker. Even when it applies.
I mostly disagree, every time I visited a country and wore the cultural dress, the local culture has been very supportive and appreciative, and I’ve been able to enter into more interesting conversations because I’m willing to engage in their culture on a more visceral level.
I understand cultural sensitivity, but I have yet to encounter a culture that does not want to be recognized, particularly for their notable and impressive achievements.
Or if their clothing looks f****** cool, like in Morocco or Japan. China. Or the states. Or Vietnam. Or Germany(goofy but still fun). Malaysia.
Everywhere. Everywhere I have talked to people, they appreciate the appreciation of their culture.
To me, the term “cultural appropriation” refers to things like schools having kids make chicken feather “headdresses” to “celebrate” Native American Day, or wearing a religious symbol in a disrespectful way. Even though people like the person in the post can be annoying, I think it’s still progress that we’re able to have these discussions, and I think it’s too bad that for many people the takeaway seems to be “cultural appropriation is never problematic.” I’d take the person from the post any day over someone who thinks they’re immune from criticism when they unintentionally engage in behavior that truly is disrespectful.
Thats… kinda what I’m talking about? Cultural appropriation is most often used in a context of why you SHOULDNT engage in things you like about another culture