That’s paired with an even greater portion turning far-left. Overall, Gen Z is far more progressive than reactionary, though there are radical fascists as well.
I haven’t seen any data or polling that supports this. A larger portion of young people are “more liberal,” but I’ve not seen anything that says that the extensions of the far, radical right have been met with equal (let alone greater) turns towards leftist political ideology.
Perhaps you just mean center-left people refer to themselves as “leftists” more often? That’s more of a result of the shift in the Overton window than any actual groundswell of leftist support.
Check Wikipedia, haha. It’s an extremely well known trend that Gen-Z is seeing a rise in actual support for Socialism. The majority lean liberal, but Gen-Z supports Socialism far more than previous generations, as radicalization is increasing in general.
Thanks for the Wikipedia link.
That you don’t see the difference between the hyper-radicalization of the right and the “progressive pro-government” tendencies of Gen Z is precisely what I’m describing.
You spend most of your time on this platform talking about videogames and coffee occasionally punctuated by airy anti-capitalist sentiments. The young–and typically white and male–hard right talk about guns and politics, errant and blind though it is, and they train for revolution.
There is no growing revolutionary sentiment on the left that is meeting, matching, or exceeding the violent revolutionary discourse and “propaganda of the deed” by the right.
We’re losing. Hiding behind a hope expressed by a Wikipedia article that maybe this “progressive” and “pro government” sentiment is actually what will pull us out of this death spiral actually makes me more pessimistic about the future.
Go play Starfield.