Yes change the name and iconic logo of a huge corporation, that will go over great.
If he hadn’t demonstrated his incompetence earlier I’d think it was intentional.
I still think there’s a bit of intent to destroy the company but it’s kinda hard to tell.
There’s a woman over on Mastodon making the argument that he’s trying to destroy it so it can’t be used to organize left-leaning political action (fundraising, activism, issue messaging, etc) any longer. She makes a compelling argument.
I’d believe it if I hadn’t already heard of Musk being the type to fire workers in his line of sight at pure random simply to fire someone. It apparently got so bad that aids would plan the route he would take to the meetings around having as few victims as possible out in the open.
It would be a smart move for anyone, and he is succeeding to a good extent (they’ll just go elsewhere?), but I think that’s just a happy accident of his. I feel like he’s really just using it as a chew toy so he can feel all big and important with the headlines. If he were being journalistically gray rocked, I wonder what he’d do.
I don’t buy that. He tried to cancel the purchase. He’s also losing money, and so it’s definitely not a 3D chess.
Didn’t Twitter almost take him to court if he didn’t follow through with the purchase? I think he got caught in his over investment in Twitter last year, and rather than go through a trial with discovery (I think he NEEDED to follow through to avoid this specifically), he decided to go through with the purchase. I wonder what the hell they would have found during a trial discovery that made him sink $44B.
But what he’s doing now? I don’t think it’s related to that. I think it might be to help manipulate stocks, as we have seen him do several months back. Maybe he thinks that destroying left-leaning political action saves him in taxes? He destroyed public transportation in California just so people would theoretically purchase more Tesla cars. Nothing is beyond being trampled by Musk if he thinks he can benefit by stumbling over the other side of the corpse.
Not only that, it would have been easier and cheaper to just shut the whole thing down after taking ownership. His very public (mainly by his own tweeting) stewardship of Twitter is damaging to his reputation, and the reputation of his other businesses. The reality is, he just is that dumb.
The issue with that argument is… Why? He is a business man, activism generally doesn’t effect him, tesla cars are generally liked by left leaning middle class, why would he spend so much money to destroy something?
His ex-wife did ask him to buy and kill Twitter:
“Can you buy Twitter and then delete it, please!? xx” Riley allegedly texted Musk on March 24. “America is going INSANE.”
One factor is his obsession with crypto and Blockchain shit. Left-wing activism generally stands against that stuff because of the environmental impact. Additionally, right-wing political movements recently have been lowering safety standards in business. Bad for the worker, but great for the bottom line.
I saw this article posted in another thread and it seems to explain a lot. Not sure how close it is to reality, but it looks like nostalgia is at least a partial reason for this change.
Yep. Fucking nostalgia.