Italy’s? Dont you mean Greece’s? Italians(romans) were just wannabe greeks, greekaboos. Literally every aspect of roman society is copied from the greeks. And luckily for us, greeks were one of the first people who started writing down shit, in a language we can understand, so there is no reason to go further back.
If we go back far enough, most countries in Eurasia today belong to Iraq (Mesopotamia) following that logic
Well maybe culturally influenced but Mesopotamia didnt “conquer” Greece. Well Persia conquered greek cities in western Anatolia(Turkey) but that happened later on. As i wrote, before classical Greece, you are basically entering a prehistoric era from which we only have myths and archeological artifacts. What little text we have from back then is either too limited or incomprehensible or non historically accurate(myths).
As far as Greece is concerned, there was the Minoan civilization(in the island of Crete and other islands), whose writing(linear A) has basically nothing in common with (ancient) greek. We still havent decyphered Linear A. They are the basis for the whole Atlantis myth and they were probably destroyed by a tsunami(Santorini’s volcano going boom).
After them we had the Mycenaean civilization, which is a greek mainland one. They used linear B, which was between linear A and greek. We have mostly decyphered linear B. Myceneans are the trojan war greeks.
After that we had or maybe didnt have the “dorian invasion”(northern greeks? fucking/conquering the Myceneans??? noone knows), which caused cultural changes and many centuries of “dark age”. And only after that we had the classical greek city states and the start of history.
History and national identities are very messy. And once you start going prehistoric, it is even more ridiculous. Which is why every country has artificially created its own national myth/history.
Does the Dorian period occur at the same time as The Bronze Age Collapse?
Greeks did beat the romans. Imagine if the US militaraly/politically declined and Canada became the world’s super power. Is Canada a thing? Not really, it is America’s hat(if we exclude the weirdo frenchies). Canadians are culturally americans.
Do you think they watch canadians movies in the cinemas?
The romans might had military defeated the greeks but the greeks culturally dominated the romans. Romans took a lot of greeks to Rome and made learning the greek language “the fancy” thing that all educated and cultured romans expected to know.
Thats how eventually the Eastern Roman Empire(or Byzantine Empire, as the filthy westerners try to rebrand it), became more and more greek.
>Gets conquered and becomes a literal subject to the other state
>“Heh well we actually won because you like our culture”
Bit of a cope, innit
On the other hand, Greeks clung onto the Roman identity for a really long time. And I mean even after being taken over by Ottomans.
Its true. Many people believe that anal sex was invented by the italians, but that too was invented in ancient Greece. The romans merely took it and adapted it for use with women.