I was just searching around for others mentioning the change with IFTTT. Did you reach out to them about this? I’ve got an email from September 2020 saying “Set your price, forever. You spoke, we listened. No more confusion on the length of IFTTT Pro pricing. Set your price before October 7th and we’ll honor it, forever.”
Good timing, so they actually just responded to my request to cancel. They told me they would happily honor the price for a lowered Pro plan.
I told them to pound sand. That they wanted me to pay more for a product I was already promised by them. That they would offer me less features for a plan I already have. That it isn’t my fault they promised me a certain functionality for a certain price, forever.
I screen shotted the exact email your referring to in that reply.
I just heard back today. They’re upgrading me to a “Pro+” account for the same price I had always paid. Honestly surprised.
That doesn’t mean they’re okay in my book by a longshot. If I have this argument again next year I’m out.
However, it does mean that you should press them on it. They know they’re fucking liars and did their community really wrong. Make sure they know how pissed you are.
Thank you so much. I honestly only use the service for like two or three things that aren’t mission critical - just little conveniences. It seems like it’s time to seek an alternative or just give up on convenience.
Really, I’m tired of wasting my time and money and relying on technology and humans (CEOs, developers) to do things for me. Firmware updates, sudden price increases, and IPOs continue to get in the way of daily progress for the average person.
It’s frustrating to no end but I’m actually finding I have more time and less stress after cutting myself off from so many subscriptions and devices that sell themselves as benefits when they’re actually detriments.
That’s a good mindset to be in. Subscriptions are built to keep us hooked and feel like we’re trapped. It’s no surprise that once it’s cancelled it feels like you’re free.
Push on them for your price. If you don’t get it, honestly home assistant does pretty much everything now for you. Only thing it doesn’t for me are third party online things like social media. IFTTT was good at that.
I’ll be honest I was also a bit disappointed they honored the price, I was ready to cancel but I made such a big deal out of it I gotta kinda go with it lol