Owasso PD spokesperson Nick Boatman told The Independent that police were awaiting the results of toxicology and autopsy reports from the Oklahoma Medical Examiner’s Office before determining whether anyone will be charged.
Ofc cops want a toxicology report on the victim instead of testing the perpetrators.
To be fair, according to the article, the victim collapsed and stopped breathing the day after the altercation, probably leading them to believe they might have taken some substance subs then that could’ve caused this.
I don’t think it’s unreasonable to do a toxicology test.
Doing a tox screen on Nex’s body is reasonable, if only to eliminate a theory a defense attorney would try to argue to a jury. Waiting for the results of that tox screen to decide whether or not a crime took place and start making arrests when we already have plenty of evidence to say that they were assaulted and it’s only unclear whether that assault was the cause of their death is what doesn’t make any sense.
This would infer the hospital missed a brain bleed/concussion/or some other head trauma. There’s also no info about the fight or who started it or anything else, but I’d imagine a toxicology report would be done on any 16 year old that dropped dead for nearly any unknown reason.
Transphobic shit bags are seeking out stories about Nex and seeing what they can get away with because they know it’s a really good opportunity for them to grind salt into some peoples’ wounds
Can you point out what that person said that was transphobic? From the reply it just seems like that they were pointing out that a toxicology report is something that’s fairly routine. What did I miss?
When did ‘dingbat’ become transphobic?
Has ‘dingbat’ become a new epithet for trans people?
Because it apparently originally was the name of an alcoholic drink and has been used to describe a stupid person since 1905.
Care to tell us where you heard that the word was transphobic?
You know, sometimes you ACAB people are just as annoying as the bootlickers
Everyone knows being distrustful of authority is the same thing as actively endorsing fascism.