I am looking for a low profile keyboard compatible with the choc switches. I plan to put the choc sunset on it. I was looking for something similar to the Corne, just without the ergo-split thing. A standard 65-75% would work.
Bonus for hot swappable and no soldering required.
When you say without the ergo split thing, are you looking for something that’s “row staggered” like Keeb.io’s new Cepstrum? https://keeb.io/collections/cepstrum/products/cepstrum-keyboard-pre-built It’s a more traditional 65% build, but still split.
Or are you just looking for something Corne-like and ergo, but as a unibody build? The Reviung41 LP rings some bells. https://mkultra.click/reviung41-lp-low-profile-keyboard-kit/