You know those sci-fi teleporters like in Star Trek where you disappear from one location then instantaneously reappear in another location? Do you trust that they are safe to use?
To fully understand my question, you need to understand the safety concerns regarding teleporters as explained in this video:
I wouldn’t, because the person that reappears aint me, its a fucking clone. Teleporters are murder machines. Star Trek is a silent massacre!
I’ve always had a hard time understanding what’s so bad about the person who arrives being a clone, never saw the downside. Yes, I 'd definitely use it. One of the biggest hurdles in my everyday life is the “going there”. When I was still working, the one thing I always complained about and what ruined my every morning was having to go there and return after. If I’d had the option to instantly teleport to work, I would have loved every day because I loved my work and I wanted to be there. Now that I’m disabled, I regularly have to cancel stuff like doctor’s appointments last minute because my chronic exhaustion is acting up and I physically can’t move my body there.
(If teleporting isn’t available, I’d settle for a ship’s computer core as a PDA)
never saw the downside
Because you’d be dead and your clone lives on. Your consciousness ceases to exist, you will not experience anything your clone will experience. Unless they know how to teleport consciousness it will be a copy of you.
Your consciousness ceases to exist,
Depends on what we define as “consciousness”. If it’s just what my brain does, it doesn’t cease to exist at all because it’s rebuild in the clone. If it’s a soul, I don’t know, that’s above my paygrade.
But if the original copy isn’t destroyed, would your consciousness be split across two entities? I think the original would not see and feel what the copy does. Because it’s a twin. Sure it might be an exact copy of the original but it’s still a new and unique brain.
The problem with the clone is that the original “you” died in the transporter. Are you assuming your conscious transfers?
I’m assuming it’s painless and that my clone would have my memories. That’s still “me”. “I” am the sum of the structures in my brain and what my brain does with it.
It’s “you” for other people, and even for the clone. But it’s not “you” for your your present you, this “you” dies (in startrek style teleporter)