In the meantime, uniforms cut down on bullying.
Do they? I don’t think so, people are just gonna get bullied with different “reasons”, it’s not really about the clothes after all.
I never saw someone got bullied for their clothes in my environment.
But kids got bullied for wearing glasses, let’s hope they ban those then. Also, better to not let kids with weird accents in school. Wouldn’t want to provoke the bullies.
Maybe we should seriously address the issues of the individual bullies. Instead of just banning them from school for a week. And teach the teachers how to do that. Maybe we should start creating a public school system that’s able to take care of the kids.
I am sure there are quite a lot of teachers with good ideas, maybe the lawmakers should listen to them. Although mandatory uniforms likely might turn out as being cheaper, especially when the parents have to pay for them equally, whether they’re rich or poor.
So you got rid of one reason to bully, so bullies shifted to other stuff. How does this help now? Are there some studies, that prove school uniforms lead to quantitative less bullying? If yes, I would be interested in that.